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Meg Robson Mahoney

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Exit Stage Left

“I walk up the ramp to my stage, past a 10-foot poster I hung for my students—and myself—when the stage was new: I dance because I want to scream. The walls seem to echo the embedded noise of children running up the ramp to shed their classroom stillnesses along with their shoes and socks, disheveled or neat, before rocketing into the space.”

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A Walk to the Cliff

“When I lived in Manhattan and found myself looking down a vacant street, I would turn away from the danger its emptiness implied, from being caught alone. I consider this now as I notice clearings in the brush on either side. Someone could be waking up, just out of sight.”


A Man of Morocco

This pre-pandemic story was honored as best non-fiction and printed by the Nassau Review for distribution in May of 2020, but wound up locked in a closet when New York shut down and the journal lost its editor and staff. Here it is, harking back to former times of travel…


In sight of Croagh Patrick

First thing I checked each morning, out the upstairs window facing west: Can we see Croagh Patrick? Is its elegant triangle on the horizon? Do shrubs point their shadows across the fields in its direction? Or is it obscured by the weather?


Mother, May I?

Together we reasoned her slips away, but that couldn’t save the names of plants she’d known or the twists of plot in a book. This is not a story about dementia, but I can’t leave the dementia out. It played a role in how I caught my own reflection in the mirror of family.

Published & nominated for Best of the Net 2021 by Lumiere Review. Awarded Best Non-Fiction, Write on the Sound 2020. Not currently available online.

About me


Mother, May I?

Together we reasoned her slips away, but that couldn’t save the names of plants she’d known or the twists of plot in a book. This is not a story about dementia, but I can’t leave the dementia out. It played a role in how I caught my own reflection in the mirror of family.

Nominated for Best of the Net 2021; awarded Best Non-Fiction, Write on the Sound 2020

I’m a writer, currently working on a memoir about discovering that the silence and acquiescence I learned growing up female lay in wait to destroy my well-being and marriage. And about my fight to change.

I was a dancer, taught dance in public schools, and advocated for arts in education.

Recent forays into territories unknown have me cruising the waters of western Washington and the Canadian Gulf Islands with my husband.

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©2024 Meg Robson Mahoney

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